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Monday 4 April 2011

We may have it good in the UK - we have midwives, we (mostly) have choice and we have relative safety for mothers and babies. But many women and newborns are regularly failed by our maternity services and here's yet more press coverage on the subject:

What can we do to create change ?

I'm involved with a new campaigning website to look at birth around the world, mobilise our collective concern and demand improvements for women world wide.

Sign up - its worth doing for the trailer alone - and there's so much more to come.


  1. Hi Hannah,

    I just watched the video! I am super excited about this. My name is Cheroona Sievey and I live in the UK along with my partner and our three young children. We are the co~founders of The Lotus Birth Campaign check out our new blog

    We are on facebook too

    Soon to be up and running with our website and we are writing our campaign book.

    We have a new brochure on 'How to have a Lotus Birth' lovingly endorsed by Dr. Sarah J. Buckley (gently birth gentle mothering) who will be in the Uk in May! (more in blog).

    Lovely to find your blog and to be supportive to each other in our missions!

    Lotus Love Cher xxxx

  2. Hi Cher

    Lovely to hear from you - keep an eye on - we're interviewing the wonderful Sarah Buckley in May.

    I'm following your blog now too - keep in touch

    H x

  3. Hello, not about this post (sorry!) but couldn't find somehwere to put a general comment. Please follow and post stuff there if you'd like.
